
Listening to/reading/watching

  • Spooks, Heroes and Little Dorrit
  • The Ascent of Money
  • Fountains of Wayne, Dusty Springfield, Nickleback, Talking Heads

Cluster Map

Sunday, February 25, 2007


There is a reason that the population of London is on average younger than the rest of the country. The reason being that Old Crock's like me can't stand the pace. And I do the city old lady style, with hotels and cabs, not tubes and sleeping on your mates floor.

But last week's general full on nature has left me looking and feeling like a complete wreck - it was as much as I could do to lie on the sofa yesterday afternoon watching videos! Sensible conversation was out of the question.

There must be a way of "London proofing" myself before the next time - which is a month away- but I'm too tired just know to work out what it might be!


Tickersoid said...

Perhaps you could arrange some minions.

An entourage would smooth things a little.

Or you could try drinking PVC. It's a heady cocktail of Philisan, Viagra and Cognac.
Works for me.

Or you could just try wearing PVC. It won't help with the knackerdness but does wonders for my image of you.

Gorilla Bananas said...

I believe there are certain drugs that might help, but I wouldn't recommend them. I do ten minutes of deep meditation after a hard morning chasing baboons. If that doesn't work, I get a female to comb my back.

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A blog about being middle aged, in England in 2013