
Listening to/reading/watching

  • Spooks, Heroes and Little Dorrit
  • The Ascent of Money
  • Fountains of Wayne, Dusty Springfield, Nickleback, Talking Heads

Cluster Map

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Things my grandmother used to say..

I'm originally from Stoke, as I think we have established, where not only do we have a strange accent (cue Robbie Williams and Garth Crooks ( or Crewkes in local parlance) but also a strange turn of phrase.

For example on seeing one of her grandchildren reaching for a third cream cake my Nana ( I had a Nana) would say "You eat that and you'll be as fat as a little tonky pig!"

Question: What in God's name is a tonky pig?? And for a supplemental , why tonky?


Cream said...

My Grandma used to say:
"Watch out for lippy women... They'll always have an answer for your stupid questions!"

Tickersoid said...

My Grandmother used to say, "Here's sixpence, now bugger off."

Bless her.

BEAST said...

Mine used to say so much.
I was warned to watch out for catchpennies (?)

Andrea said...

Cream - well grandmothers have a tendency to be right you know.

Ticks - fostering your early capitalist instincts then

Beast - yeah, ie tricks to catch your pennies, or take your money off you, mine said that too!

Frobisher said...

Honky Tonky? (honk - pig, gettit?)

Akelamalu said...

I followed a link from Cream's cos your name reminded me of something my Nin (I had a Nin) used to say....

"Stop being so lippy, shape yourself and get on with it!"

Andrea said...

akelamalu - hi! What a long've reminded me of something else, see the next post!

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A blog about being middle aged, in England in 2013