
Listening to/reading/watching

  • Spooks, Heroes and Little Dorrit
  • The Ascent of Money
  • Fountains of Wayne, Dusty Springfield, Nickleback, Talking Heads

Cluster Map

Monday, May 14, 2007

It's tomorrow

It's very hard to post at the moment because there is nothing especially interesting or illuminating about being scared shitless.

And when I break it up it's more than one fear it includes;

1. Being scared of the actual procedure itself - the idea of someone rearranging my innards and being put under anaesthetic, I really don't take well to loss of control.

2. Fear of the pain afterwards..definatley bigger than 1.

3. Fear that I will cock up badly on one of my files today and that work will have a marvelous time bitching about me for cocking up after I've gone...the only good thing being that as my sick note is for six weeks it coincides with the rest of my notice so I won't be back. That is my only consoling thought, being paid £960 for the next six weeks for sitting on my arse.

4. Fear of the frustration that is going to inevitably follow being able to do bugger all for six weeks, can't swim, can't have sex, can go for walks know the sad getting better progressivley longer walks. The walks will be OK, apart from week one when getting to the end of our drive is going to be a challenge they tell me - super!


BEAST said...

Lippy....chin up , the thought of all this is worse than the doing , and we will all be here to amuse you when you convalescing :-)

Andrea said...

I know you are right - I'm being crap, but thanks for listening!

Frobisher said...

You'll be fine, look forward to hearing all about it.

Six weeks off? remember day time TV is your friend!

Akelamalu said...

Not been reading you long enough to know what your op's for but having just come through a major op myself I can understand how you feel.

Newforestandy said...

good luck lippy and am sure you will make a speedy return

Tickersoid said...

Knowing Tickster is lucky in it's self. Everyone I know who's had major surgery has made a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

just think, once you get over the initial shock of being turned inside out, you can catch up on your blog hopping, solve global warming, and achieve world peace before you return to work to be bitched at because someone else screwed up your good and hard work.

Andrea said...

Pink - you are so right!

Ticks - Hopefully, then I can get back to saving the world in record time!

Frobes - yeah either that or all 3 series of The Hustle on DVD

*DB* said...

*hugs* Well, it's day AFTER right? I hope you are doing well!

Cream said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

lippy, i know you're using the excuse of great drugs to avoid posting, but if you haven't noticed, gas prices are rising. get to work on that economy thing, k?

love and swift recovery

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A blog about being middle aged, in England in 2013