
Listening to/reading/watching

  • Spooks, Heroes and Little Dorrit
  • The Ascent of Money
  • Fountains of Wayne, Dusty Springfield, Nickleback, Talking Heads

Cluster Map

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Since I spurned her Sapphic advances my theatrical contact has stopped speaking to me....

And I'd really like to go to see a theatrical performance when I'm working in London in Feb - have a particular yen to see Patrick Stewart as Prospero in the Tempest "make it so Caliban" but unfortunately that doesn't open until the day after I need to come home - boo hiss.

So I need reccomendations people.

Of the current batch I have seen;

The History Boys ******
Wicked *****
Guys & Dolls *****
Chicago ***
The Woman in Black ****
The Lion King *****
We Will Rock You - CRAP unspeakably dreadful

Thinking About

Don Juan in Soho - at the Donmar
Coram Boy

Nothing else grabs me at present but maybe I'm missing something amazing - if you know do tell..


Anonymous said...

I saw Beauty and the Beast on Broadway over New Years. They should have cast me - as the Beauty.

Jingo said...

The Times said that the History Boys was good.

Don't go to see Coram boy! If it was anything like the book...

Andrea said...

Jingo - I completely adored the History Boys, reminded me of 6th form when anything seemed possible - just so long as I could get OUT of where I was.

Now thinking maybe Dumb Waiter at the Trafalgar studios?? - it has Lee Evans and Jason Isaacs so it sounds promising.

Champ - I saw the Disney Beauty and the Beast when the baby was small - she loved it..

BEAST said...

Excuse me????.....SAPHIC ADVANCES.....we want details....
Lots of lurid details.
You big spurner you

Andrea said...

Not much to tell - I thought she was just being nice, new mate and all.

And then she ripped my head off for a bit of mild flirting and the penny dropped.

Not very lurid at all really.

I told her I didn't like my own tits much let alone anyone else's and that was pretty much that.

Now go and sort out your links
- just go to layout and add us all!

Anonymous said...

Im pretty surprised you say spurned .... Lipstick Lawyers 3 (R18) doesn't look like spurned to me.

Frobisher said...

Stick to the diet Lippy! obviously those curves are attracting those "women in sensible shoes"!!!

"Oops where's My Trousers" with Brian Rix and Dora Brian & June Whitfield is on at the end-of-the-Pier Theatre in Bournemouth. I throughly recommend it.

Andrea said...

Frobes - I am keeping going , 8lb down in 12 days - go me!!! And you are right, I should have known from the shoes. I'm always suspicious of the "mans watch" as an indicator of not liking boys- I wear a man's watch, because it makes my hands look absolutley tiny!

Mutley - I never go anywhere R18 sweetie

Anonymous said...

For the New Year, I have vowed to gain 22 pounds.

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to that Honey girls - you are still my number one internet fantasy!

Andrea said...

mutley I am confused - the Honey Girls are still your number one internet fantasy??

champ - just so long as the 22lbs don't go straight to your man tits you'll be fine.

Tickersoid said...

Stop spurning sapphic advances.
Feed my fantasy.

In my fantasy you wear a legal type powdered merkin.

I know....I need help.

Andrea said...

Jesus Tick, that was far too much information!

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A blog about being middle aged, in England in 2013