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  • The Ascent of Money
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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ancient History

I'm sure that I've mentioned this before but my first proper job after leaving college was teaching in a boys boarding school in Western Australia. It was interesting, 60 miles to the pub,but only 50 yards to the best beach I have ever seen.

The kids entertained themselves by shooting kangaroos and growing dope. The fall out from the badly tanned kangaroo skins that they insisted on having on their beds as trophies was actually worse than the dope problem....the whole town was smoking the dope but the flies found the roo skins and the smell was something else.

I was given a horse, which was fun - horses are cheap in those kinds of places, keeping horses is not so cheap, so the day after by visa expired my horse was shot.

I cried all the way home and vowed to go straight back and 22 years later I still haven't managed it!



what are u waiting for

Frobisher said...

*manages to work out Lippy's age using the clues*

Did you eat the kangaroos?

Andrea said...

Frobes - it says in my profile how old I am chuck!
And did eat kangaroo, but didn't like it much.

nyc taxi - kind of got distracted by other I'd like to get to Marrakech and Istanbul and Dehli first

Fuckkit said...

Come and visit me. I'll buy you a pony.


Actually, no I won't but I'll buy you a pie and a pint. Will that do?

Tickersoid said...

It's no good going back.

The horse is dead!

There's nothing you can do about it, now or ever.

phlegmfatale said...

I can't believe they killed your horse!

Andrea said...

Fuckkit - Yay of course I'll come and see you. Cousin from Perth was over this weekend, so got very drunk and maundered on about the good old days...where are you anyway - I'll go and look.

Yes I know the horse is dead!

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A blog about being middle aged, in England in 2013