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  • The Ascent of Money
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

25 Things About Lippy

1. I didn't go to law school until I was 29 (backward me!)

2. I can milk a cow and shear a sheep - would probably only manage the one sheep these days before my back gave out.

3. I am in denial that blue ink even exists - black is the ONLY colour in which to write.

4. I am on a "no bread, eat healthy" diet, so far I have lost 14 lbs and have another 16 to go, then I will weigh the same as Tyra Banks and that'll do.

5. I really really like latte coffee - it's one of the things I've forsaken under (4) it's hard.

6. I lived in Western Australia for a while in my 20's and absolutley loved it.

7. The Toy Boy is three years younger than me - should have taken his age rather than his surname when I married him it would have made more sense.

8. When I travel I just don't want to stop, but when I'm home and I've been working I can never work out how I managed to go anywhere at all and planning a trip seems really impossible.

9. Instead of writing this post I should be writing a script.

10. I don't understand football even slightly - I have been to one match ever in my life and was bored brainless.

11. Linghams Chilli Sauce is one of the small things that makes life worth living.

12. I don't drink spirits - don't like the taste.

13. My best friend is from Dehli and her mum taught me to be an ace curry chef.

14. I always have a paperback to read and a notebook to write in, in my handbag.

15. My house is very neat and tidy (sad anal retentive person)

16. I iron bed sheets, underwear and tea towels so they fold up tidily in drawers ( see above)

17. I make my own bread

18. I really like knitting and can't watch telly unless I am knitting.

19. Clearly 15- 18 mean I am a major saddo!

20. I went to my first rock concert aged 13 - Queen at Bingley Hall, Stafford.

21. I haven't been to Glastonbury - not not recently, ever......

22. Reading at the moment - Witch Hunt by Ian Rankin

23. All the boys in my family seem to migrate to Africa; brother in Madagascar, cousin in Uganda, uncles in Ghana.

24. I prefer Asia to Africa - just a personal preference, Asia always feels like the future today.

25. I have really small, really wide feet - duck feet apparently! One of the guys I shared a flat with at Uni had hands bigger than my feet, which I found freaky.


Tickersoid said...

I used to do 16, I'm cured now.

like you I couldn't live with out latte.

edina monsoon said...

No 11 re lingham's sauce. You should try maggi chilli garlic sauce. YUMMY. I agree with number 3. Black seems sensible. Blue seems frivolous.And as I come from Asia, point number 24 made me beam widely. Have a nice day

Andrea said...

edina, I will definatley try Maggi chilli garlic!

The Aunt said...

I'm afraid you'd find my house very wrinkly, as I don't iron at all (I have people for that) but at least you would be welcomed by the smell of new-baked bread in the kitchen.

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A blog about being middle aged, in England in 2013